[QUOTEt;2694964]Hello Jak, I know you're loving this heat in S. Carolina
It's been super hot here on the coast, not sure how hot
it's been up your way.
How's the job tHe wants ing?[/QUOTE]

It's pretty hot down here as well. I think it was about 100 degrees yesterday. So hot you could probably cook something on the pavement alone. But luckily I've got a pool now to get away from the heat.
I've been aggressively searching for work for the past two weeks. So far nothing yet. But, this kind of thing takes time. I'll find something eventually.[/QUOTE]
Yea, it's been over 100 down here for a while. The news folks cook an egg on the hood of a car every year.
The water is super warm these days also, some fish are dying. We had a big storm to come through last night,
so, we hope it'll be cooler today.
Well, hang in there, something will come your way. You could apply at Boeing, if hired, you'd have to relocate.
Well, maybe not, depends on how far away you live from Charleston. It's just a thought, they pay real good, with good beenies. Keep the faith, God will place you where He wants you to be.