wednesday - did a whole lot of nothing during the day. went to service, and after service, we had food!!! great fellowship time

i didn't stay long though because i was gonna spend the night at my sister's house.
thursday - did a whole lot more of nothing as i stayed at my sister's house. time stops when i'm over there :\ but then, the family showed up at 5ish so we could eat more food! and i still spent the night there.
friday - woke up. packed my things to go home. spent most of the day watching criminal minds. then went back to my sister's house.
saturday - woke up early cuz i went out of town

i went to see my boyfriend and ms. vi!! yay!!!!!!
sunday - church in the a.m. and p.m.
monday - back at work, and i'm scared to weigh myself after the lazy weekend lol