Yay! This is fun! I appreciate these people and they deserve the following awards lel:
Laugh out loud award: crosstweed and Sirk
Take the cake award: Melita

Certified smile maker: Slave, ms. V, tourist
Energizer bunny award: shineyourlight
leading by example award: Tourist, Blain, Kodiak, Kefa
helping hand award: my gangstas, ya know who ya are
proud to be geek award: Ugly and Lynx and of course wwjd_kilden
made my day award: mailmandan, achildofGod
math whiz: who else? Molly
simply sweet: elisabet and siela, missytwoshoes, mochi, little_woman
wise and witty: willie-T, siberian, eternally-grateful, Tintin, Utah, and of course wisebeardman
ray of sunshine: zeroturbulence, sydlit, blue_ladybug, seoulsearch, skylove, oldthennew
lovely listener: setapartgirl
Peace maker award: cmarieh, littlebit, Jesus_lives, maxwell
Amazing artists: skittlepumpkin, asifinpassing
Dude perfect award: Gunner, donkeyfish, roh_chris, brucewayne, jsr1221
Spammer of the month: Jack
Big brothers award: MarcR, crossnote, Mitspa, PennEd
Big sisters award: Erica, Melita, Angela, GalaxyGirlPR
lil sis awards: multilingualmessenger, lil_christian
prayer warriors: levi, My gangstas
awesome award names award (lel): me!
okay im pretty sure i didnt forget anyone.
and please dont feel compelled to give me a random award just because i wrote ur name lol, you're awesome and we recognize that. Keep rocking.