lol! he sounds funny. I'm enjoying my new church and thankful God has blessed my husband with feeling at home there cause I prayed he would if it is the right place for us and most importantly our boys. We have an awesome praise and worship team and they do christian rock which I LOVE & so does my Christian. its so awesome to watch my little guy lift his hands and praise the Lord! I'm sorry it took us so long to start bringing him to church. He wants to be a pastor you know. He's so funny... he says, mom I want a cool car but not to expensive & it must be fuel efficient cause pastors dont make much money you know and what they do make they give to poor people. Gotta <3 him! If my husband has his way he'll be driving some souped up classic like an old big block chevelle... definitely not good on gas! hmm just realized i shoulda multi posted this & we'd be closer to 170.