Jo just showed her red bird art. I love seeing people's art. So, I'm asking, show me your art.
And, no. It doesn't have to be perfect. I love that it's not always, (quite probably because mine never is
), so don't go all getting shy about it. I'll prove mine isn't perfect first --
This is my only bird drawing. I was making a storybook at the time, but discovered I'm not good enough to illustrate my own story. S'alright, that children's story took off to become a children's series. Seven books and I'm only finishing up the first book. All that from a simple children's story.
My stuffed animals grew as I wrote stories about them. Part of the stories include using their helioplaneship boxcar. To grownups, a helioplaneship boxcar is simply a box. To kids (and stuffies) a box can be a car, a boat, a submarine, a helicopter, a train, a spaceship or any mode of travel they want it to be. So this is my stuffies in their helioplaneship boxcar out for a spin.
Before I got into writing about the stuffed animals seriously, I used to play a game called Morrowind. Some day I'll tell you how attached I am to my teddy bear. (He helped save my life.) But he is usually sitting next to me when I'm sitting in my comfy chair, (he's off with his family right now lol), so back when I played Morrowind he was with me. Here he is with my character (virtual-me for that game) in one of the scenes in the game. (The other character is Creeper, who buys stuff I find across the game.)
Now, if you're thinking I'm really good, first! Knock that off! It doesn't even look finished, once more good. lol Second, look at the character's feet. In the game, characters have normal size feet. I tend to get something fairly important wrong with all my drawings.
Just in case you think all I do is teddy bear pictures. This is a combination of my doodling and a tribute to Georgia O'Keeffe, who really could do what I can't do, show the beauty of close ups of flowers.
And this is just me with a new box of markers drawing all my favorite things.
This one you'll get.
But the true talent in my family is hubby. Who drew this from a photo in National Geographic. (That's a coco leaf on the native's head -- herbal remedy for a headache.)
So, seriously. Brag a little. Show your art. And, no, that doesn't mean it has to be in the form of paper. I already saw Practice-English and Willie's artwork, and neither of them have showed any drawings. One request though -- explain something of what you were doing. Give some hint of who you are in what you show. After all, I just told about how excited I get over a new box of markers, how much I'm into writing and stuffed animals, and even a little bit about what game I used to play. You even found out we read National Geographic and something about my hubby, so feel free to explain a bit of you behind the pictures. I like seeing that too!
And, no. It doesn't have to be perfect. I love that it's not always, (quite probably because mine never is

This is my only bird drawing. I was making a storybook at the time, but discovered I'm not good enough to illustrate my own story. S'alright, that children's story took off to become a children's series. Seven books and I'm only finishing up the first book. All that from a simple children's story.

My stuffed animals grew as I wrote stories about them. Part of the stories include using their helioplaneship boxcar. To grownups, a helioplaneship boxcar is simply a box. To kids (and stuffies) a box can be a car, a boat, a submarine, a helicopter, a train, a spaceship or any mode of travel they want it to be. So this is my stuffies in their helioplaneship boxcar out for a spin.

Before I got into writing about the stuffed animals seriously, I used to play a game called Morrowind. Some day I'll tell you how attached I am to my teddy bear. (He helped save my life.) But he is usually sitting next to me when I'm sitting in my comfy chair, (he's off with his family right now lol), so back when I played Morrowind he was with me. Here he is with my character (virtual-me for that game) in one of the scenes in the game. (The other character is Creeper, who buys stuff I find across the game.)
Now, if you're thinking I'm really good, first! Knock that off! It doesn't even look finished, once more good. lol Second, look at the character's feet. In the game, characters have normal size feet. I tend to get something fairly important wrong with all my drawings.

Just in case you think all I do is teddy bear pictures. This is a combination of my doodling and a tribute to Georgia O'Keeffe, who really could do what I can't do, show the beauty of close ups of flowers.

And this is just me with a new box of markers drawing all my favorite things.

This one you'll get.

But the true talent in my family is hubby. Who drew this from a photo in National Geographic. (That's a coco leaf on the native's head -- herbal remedy for a headache.)
So, seriously. Brag a little. Show your art. And, no, that doesn't mean it has to be in the form of paper. I already saw Practice-English and Willie's artwork, and neither of them have showed any drawings. One request though -- explain something of what you were doing. Give some hint of who you are in what you show. After all, I just told about how excited I get over a new box of markers, how much I'm into writing and stuffed animals, and even a little bit about what game I used to play. You even found out we read National Geographic and something about my hubby, so feel free to explain a bit of you behind the pictures. I like seeing that too!