Lol! I'll just remind myself of your age for such a statement. Why in the world would the Catholic Church go against something she compiled? With that being said, not only are Catholic teachings rooted in the Bible, the Catholic Church, having been given authority by Jesus Christ and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, compiled the Bible in the form that it exists today. The Catholic Church has as its sole rule of faith the entire Word of God, as it is found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. It is important to remember that all of the Word of God was at one time (after the death of Christ and before the compilation of the Bible) passed on orally through Sacred Tradition. Catholic beliefs are all rooted in the Word of God—communicated through Scripture and Tradition, and preserved by the Church.
Even the word Bible is a Catholic word. Surprisingly, the word "Bible" is not in the Bible. It means books from the Greek word βυβλος-byblos meaning "papyrus", from the ancient Phoenician city of Byblos which exported papyrus, the "paper" of the day. We love the Bible. Honest!
Pax Christi
"From henceforth, all generations shall call me Blessed." ----Luke 1:48.
1) Just because the Catholic church, or was it before the great schism b/w Orthodox and Catholicism, compiled the scriptures, it doesn't make the Catholic Church right in any way. That is a fallacious argument. Besides a broken clock is right twice a day.
2) The word of God is the NT and OT. Traditions of man are not the same as the Holy Scriptures.
3) The word bible is a catholic word? Yet you say it is derived from the greek word for books or papyrus.
4) My age should have nothing to do with my understanding. Did the Apostles requires years of study to become disciples of Christ? Or even Apostles? Only the Apostle Paul was learned and he was a pharisee. There are many people who study the scriptures for decades yet still lack in understanding. My life post born again has been devoted to the study of scripture and seeking the Holy Spirit in terms of understanding what God's interpretation is and not man. That I have found that the Catholic Church's teachings do not line up with scripture but contradict scripture via the Berean way is simply straight fact comparison devoid of bias but looking to just the facts.
Perhaps there are many the Lord does a quick work in to help their understanding and use them as His servants to help those who are lost.
5) The Catholic Church was not the church set up by Christ. Peter was not the first pope. Petra vs Petros are two very distinct and different words that Jesus used. The keys given and the authority given was given to the apostles to help set up the church. The early church started from home to home. Peter was known to tell people NOT to bow before him and kiss his feet since he was a fellow servant with the rest of those who serve Christ. The position of Pope as Vicari Christi and Pontificus Maximus is not found in the scriptures. Mary veneration, adoration, prayers, prayers to the dead, etc are not scriptural. Mary was not assumed to heaven like Enoch and Elijah as it is not found in scripture. Mary was not born of immaculate conception as it is not found in scripture.
Even though the Catholic Church helped to compile the scriptures, it doesn't excuse the rest of the false teachings that are found in the organization itself. Roots of pagan sun worship abound throughout the Catholic Church, dressed up as "Christian" traditions. I'm sorry that I follow God's words when He says not to learn the ways of the Gentiles. I'm sorry that I follow God's words when He says "Do not worship Me in that way."
Once again, the OP has clearly stated the tone regarding Catholic doctrine and teachings for the entire site. They are heresy and go against the word of God. Why are we here trying to argue against it when it is clearly stated? I praise God for those may ex-Catholics who have come out of the harlot mystery religion of Roman Catholicism to a born again life with the TRUTH in Christ.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not only standing against Catholic heresy, but ALL heresy even in the professing Christian church. Exercise discernment! Compare all you hear to the scriptures, not with the understanding given by man or denominational teachings, but with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The warning given in 2 Peter 2 applies to all false teachers whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant.
We are exhorted by Paul to be on one mind, one judgment regarding the things of God with no divisions among us. Error and false doctrines/gospels divide the church of God. It keeps us away from the Lord God Almighty. I pray we continue to seek the Holy Spirit regarding what is of God and what is not of God using the gift of discernment God has given to His children.