Have you considered the possibility that Catlynn could be a brat?
I dunno myself, but there is that slight possibility.
What is your problem, mate? That's just rude.
Sorry about that. I apologise for calling you out. Next time, could you please put a smiley face with its tongue sticky out or something to imply cheekiness? Thanks.
While the true definition of a 'brat' ( in the U.S.A. ) is a reflection of the attitude and actions of a "spoiled child", the word is more often used ( in recent decades ) in a more light-hearted manner - without the "seriousness" of the original definition -- sometimes, even in an endearing or loving kind of way ( as strange as that may sound ).
Common usage:
~ "Why, you little brat..."
This may or may not be light-hearted, depending on the circumstances. It "runs the whole scale" - from 'deadly serious' to 'endearing' / 'loving'.
~ "Stop acting like a little brat!"
This is always serious. It literally means 'stop acting like a spoiled child'.
~ [someone] "is being a brat" or "is acting like a brat"
This is highly circumstantial, also. Notice that the word 'Stop' in the previous example "makes the difference" between "definitely serious" and "possibly light-hearted"...
The "off-hand mention" that MidniteWelder made about Catlynn was no doubt intended to "get a rise" out of Catlynn. In other words, MidniteWelder is playfully teasing her. Adding '
I dunno myself, but there is that slight possibility.' to it helps to define the intent of it.
Please don't think for even a second that I am saying anything agaist you for not understanding what is going on in the minds of Americans ( MidniteWelder, in this case. ).
In a way, it is actually a compliment ( of sorts ) to you that you reacted this way. Please see
this thread.
I decided to create the new thread - instead of adding it to this post - because I do not want to derail this thread.)