When we were physically born, there is called a soft spot, on the top of the baby's head, that the touch of a finger, it goes down, it is the bones that are not closed yet. When I listen to one of the few favorite songs, passionate pursuit, it is something different, a song, a sermon, a lesson, a testimoney, it touches us differently in our soft spot, of our mind. I know that there was passion for God, in the garden of eden. There was a relationship, with man, as it says, God himself walked in the cool of the garden, talking with his creations, Adam and Eve. Much work had been done, the naming of the animals, the garden cared for by Adam. Everything was in harmoney, until disruption, darkness, that disturbed peace, and being in God's rest, and great heavyness entered, a heavy dark destruction. Satan knew there was passion in their hearts. They were the children of God, his goodness, and love covered them with his glory. The darkness wanted to s†ripe them of it, as he was striped of it, the one who wanted to lift himself up above the throne of God, Lucifer. an adorned angel loved by God, went away from serving, to sinning of spirit. It's almost like a get even game. God did this to me, I'll get even and do it to you, get you into strife, pride, and sin will seperate you from the LOrd, and sin tastes so good sometimes, why go back to turning the other cheek, steal, lie, commit adultery, be a thief, the wide road, that leads to death, and destruction, the same avenue that was given to Eve. brought spiritual death, and destruction. We need to grow in the Lord, that soft spot must close. It is the weak area, of the arena of the mind that satan plays with. The scripture says, I will harden you to difficulties. When we start as brand new born again believers, it is ever so gentle with us, that if we could give our heart to the whole world, and touch them, just the love that was felt then, it was a desire to share and reach, teach the whole world. This is not always the case. We need to grow, and get rooted, grounded in the word, become stronge, and this takes time. God loved the world, and gave Jesus, the HOly Spirit is at work, and is doing a job, none of us can do, he convicts, turns hearts from stone, turns the hearts of children to their parents. Not much credit is given nor confidance is in the work of the HOly spirit. We know Jesus, we know about God, but the Holy Spirit is the one who reveals all truth, speaks to us, warns, us and even warns us to warn others, by his quickening our spirit. When we accepted Jesus, it is the Holy spirit that dwells within us, Jesus said, I leave you ,my holy spirit, it's like himself within us. "Don't you know that your body is the temple of the HOly Spirit." He who defiles his body him the Lord will destroy. It says this. The temptations come through a weak soft area. "Gird up the loins of your mind." The soft spot is just an indication of drinking the milk, and not being of age to digest the heavy things, of the word, that will sustain, you, and make you spiritually stronge. What if Eve wasn't swayed and said, it dosn't matter what you are saying, or said, my love and passion for God is unbreakable, and unshakable, undisturbed, unadulterated, but he waited for Eve, the weaker vessel, he didn't confront Adam, which he could of done. Eve from the bone of his rib. Satan was working through God's creation, the weakness, he used the rib of Adam, to break into the heart of man. The bible talks much about bones. A broken spirit drieth the bones. Blood is made in the bones. Satan attacked God's blood covenant of creation of life in the bones, for life is in the blood, and the blood is made in the marrow of the bones. He took God's coveant between man and women, and broke it, Depression destroys man's health, it breaks the spirit and tries to destroy it of all hope. God also said, it is not good for man to be alone. A partner, taken from his own production of blood, a bone, the blood covenant. There is a deeper meaning in marriage, the splits, are like the broken splinters of bone, that jab into the heart, the rib next to it. Sometimes a broken rib has caused physical death, injuring the heart. Why is it that when a spouse dies, the other is injured, and dies shortly after. Man and women created by God are a blood covenant. Something that was broken by satan, and restored back to us, through the blood of Christ, we now are one with him. Once being decieved, he warns us again, Be not decieved, for "God is not mocked, what so ever a man soweth , that also shall he reap." A second chance, to obey. The blood covenant made between us and the FAther through Jesus, the atonement. Satan is still trying to break it again. Temptation never ended. Like a soft spot that never closed, children of disobiedience, and not mature. Sorry this should of been in my blog. where I put my personal thoughts sometimes spiritual thoughts, without any comments, my own private sharing. So as the song says, my soul follows hard after you. The soft spots must be closed, and hardened. I believe he attacked Eve, as the heart of a women is soft and tender, made this way to love and nurture, it even said, the women shall be saved in child birth, which is saying bearing the fruits of the hOly Spirit, is necessary to nurture a life. These are the character of God. Women today seem to be always beguiled. My prayer today is that , we as Godly women, will be protected by our Lord, surrounded by his Love, nurtured, and loved deeply, beyond any humanly love. Being called single is also being called his beloved, a deeper love than between a humanly one, for there is no measurement nor height, nor depth, nor width, of it.