Does God expect the Jews to stop Jewish rituals when they know Jesus?

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Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
Yahchanan (John) 5:14, "Afterward, Yahshua found him in the sacred precincts of The House of Yahweh, and said to him: Behold, you are healed. Sin no more, or a worse thing will come upon you."

Ephesians 2:15-16, "Abolishing the enmity; (the hatred and the opposition, to) the Law, the Commandments, and the Ordinances, through His own flesh, in order to create in Himself one new man from the two;
making peace, That would reconcile both in one body to Yahweh through the sacrifice- -having killed the enmity through

Ephesians 2:15-16, "by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, (which is) the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity."

The oppisiontion, the enmity was ABOLISHED, but you probly fell for the ADDED WORDS: (which is), even thought the NEXT VERSE explains it.

You claim to be walking in Spirit, however you fleshly mind can not get it self to obey the Almighty;

Romans 8:7-8, "Because the carnal mind is enmity against; bitterly opposed to, Yahweh; for it his not subject to the Law of Yahweh, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are of the flesh cannot please Yahweh."

We are not saved by the Law, but once Yahshua is truly in us we change, I have certainly changed.

Yahchanan (John) 5:14, "Afterward, Yahshua found him in the sacred precincts of The House of Yahweh, and said to him: Behold, you are healed. Sin no more, or a worse thing will come upon you."
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Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
Isayah 29:13, "Therefore Yahweh said: Because these people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips,
but have removed their hearts far from Me, and their reverence to Me is taught by the precept of men."


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
if you think you no longer sin, or have no need of confession and cleansing
And when did this ever come out of my mouth?

No I take ALL Scripture into consideration:

Romans 3:25, "Whom Yahweh set forth as a sacrifice of atonement by His own blood, through the faith, to declare His
righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of Yahweh."

So when I slip and sin after I have accepted the blood of Yahshua how have to I get mercy?

1 Yahchanan 1:8-9, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Law is not in us.

I have quoted this verse on this site in the past.

If the blood of Yahshua covered FUTURE sin we would not have to ask forgiveness!


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2010
Maybe in youe buchered translation He did, as original text say YHWH

Exodus 3:14-15, "Then Yahweh said to Mosheh: I am Who I am. And He said: This is what you are to say to the children of Israyl; YAHWEH has sent me to you. Yahweh also said to Mosheh: This also shall you say to the children of Israyl;
YAHWEH, the Heavenly Father of your fathers, the Mighty One of Abraham, the Mighty One of Isaac, and the Mighty One of Yaaqob, has sent me to you. THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER-- and this is MY MEMORIAL: the Name by which I am to be remembered by, from generation to generation, for all generations."

He never said His Name was "I AM".

וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶל־ מֹשֶׁ֔ה אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כֹּ֤ה תֹאמַר֙ לִבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃

ויאמר אלהים אל־משה אהיה אשר אהיה ויאמר כה תאמר לבני ישראל אהיה שלחני אליכם׃

ויאמר אלהים אל משה אהיה אשר אהיה ויאמר כה תאמר לבני ישראל אהיה שלחני אליכם׃


Yhvh: the proper name of the God of Israel
Original Word: יְהֹוָה
Part of Speech: Proper Name
Transliteration: Yhvh

you play name games if you want to.
use the Latinized YHVH if you wish.

here's what the bible says:

Acts 4
5On the next day, their rulers and elders and scribes were gathered together in Jerusalem; 6and Annas the high priest was there, and Caiaphas and John and Alexander, and all who were of high-priestly descent. 7When they had placed them in the center, they began to inquire, “By what power, or in what name, have you done this?” 8Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers and elders of the people, 9if we are on trial today for a benefit done to a sick man, as to how this man has been made well, 10let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by this name this man stands here before you in good health. 11“He is the STONE WHICH WAS REJECTED by you, THE BUILDERS, but WHICH BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone. 12“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”

Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.
Original Word: Ἰησοῦς, οῦ, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: Iésous
Phonetic Spelling: (ee-ay-sooce')
Short Definition: Jesus
Definition: Jesus; the Greek form of Joshua; Jesus

2424 Iēsoús – Jesus, the transliteration of the Hebrew term, 3091 /Lṓt ("Yehoshua"/Jehoshua, contracted to "Joshua") which means "Yahweh saves" (or "Yahweh is salvation").

"Jesus Christ" is properly "Jesus the Christ." "Jesus" (2424 /Iēsoús) is His human name, as the incarnate, eternal Son of God (Mt 1:21,25, see also Lk 1:31) – the Christ, the divine Messiah (the second Person of the holy Trinity).

[Christ (His title) means "the Anointed One" (the eternal pre-incarnate, Logos, Jn 1:1-18).]

Word Origin
of Hebrew origin Yehoshua
Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.
NASB Translation
Jesus (904), Jesus' (7), Joshua (3).


Yahshua or Yahushuwa ?

nope...not found anywhere...except:

The Sacred Name Movement
Sacred Name movement pt.1


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2010
sorry friend.

i can't take gentile-wanna-bes in the sacred name movement seriously.
you may be well intentioned, but you're already in bondage to Legalism of an evil sort, and long gone into allegorical Hagar.
(which doesn't even exist any more:)).

just free-falling kinda.


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
Word Origin
of Hebrew origin Yehoshua
Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.
NASB Translation
Jesus (904), Jesus' (7), Joshua (3).

Yahshua or Yahushuwa ?

nope...not found anywhere...except:

The Sacred Name Movement
Sacred Name movement pt.1
If His Name is Yehoshua why don't you call Him that? Are you sure thts the ONLY place where Yahshua comes from, because I myslef know of a number of other places. And since you are so learned can you tell me how to say Hail Zeus in greek?

And no Yehoshua is a mistranslation from using VOWEL POINTS just like Jehovah or Yehowah is a mistranslation, before the VOWEL POINTS EXISTED it was NEVER pronounced that way.

What happend is the Talmudists/Rabbis/Pharisees put the ban on the name and pronounced Adonai and Elohim instead of Yahweh, and wrote it in their scripture with vowel points, then when latin speaking men came along hundreds of years later they did not know the vowel points were ADDED, thus you got: (Hebrew never had vowels)

_____________A D O N A I __________________________________________________________________ E L O H I M

_____________YaHoWaH _____________________________________________________________________YeHoWiH

Thus you get Yehoshua from


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
sorry friend.

i can't take gentile-wanna-bes in the sacred name movement seriously.
you may be well intentioned, but you're already in bondage to Legalism of an evil sort, and long gone into allegorical Hagar.
(which doesn't even exist any more:)).

just free-falling kinda.
Do not steal is legalism?

Do not murder is legalism?

Love Yahweh is legalism?

Help you neighbor is legalism?

Do not deal falsely is legalism?

I could continuse but THESE are the LAWS OF YAHWEH


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2010
If His Name is Yehoshua why don't you call Him that?
would God like me better?:)
would it make me more spiritual?

nowhere in the New Testament is Jesus (in my English translation) referred to as Yehoshua.
and if i call Him Joshua, how will the people i speak to Him about know who i mean?

they know the Name Jesus.

i speak English. Jesus is English, from the Greek.
God gave us languages.

HE ORDAINED THE NEW TESTAMENT IN GREEK - for a reason. do you know what that reason was?

Jesus said:

Matthew 28:19
The Great Commission

18And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

I call The Father - Heavenly Father; Holy Father; My Father in Heaven; LORD GOD.

is that okay with you?


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2010
Do not steal is legalism?

Do not murder is legalism?

Love Yahweh is legalism?

Help you neighbor is legalism?

Do not deal falsely is legalism?

I could continuse but THESE are the LAWS OF YAHWEH
do not take the Name of the LORD Thy God in vain.

i would assume this means creating a religion and making an IDOL of made up names and insisting people use them or be damned.

like...smarten up dude.
it's a cult.
they all have their own Bibles.
there are now over 1000 NEW name for Jesus.

anyways....outta here.


Senior Member
May 31, 2013
Do not steal is legalism?

Do not murder is legalism?

Love Yahweh is legalism?

Help you neighbor is legalism?

Do not deal falsely is legalism?

I could continuse but THESE are the LAWS OF YAHWEH
Well, if you hate God's Law and refuse to obey it, you have to justify it somehow. The most common method is to call obedience "legalism". (you must say it with a disdainful smirk for maximum effect)


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
would God like me better?:)
would it make me more spiritual?
I never said that.

I quoted Acts 4:12 as my reason for using what I think to be His REAL Name.

Also that is whay alot of prople argue with me, I don't go along with tradition.

Verses like these are more than enough for me to feel this is proper.

Mattithyah 15:3,8,9, "But He answered, and said to them: And why do you transgress the Laws of Yahweh by your traditions?These people draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me. But in vain they do worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."

Yahchanan 4:24, "Yahweh is a Spirit Being ; and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth."


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2010
Well, if you hate God's Law and refuse to obey it
hold up cowboy.
that's your thing - you wear it.

1) i don't hate it - i hold it in very high esteem

2) you think you obey it - and have degraded it to the level of your performance.


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2010
I never said that.

I quoted Acts 4:12 as my reason for using what I think to be His REAL Name.

Also that is whay alot of prople argue with me, I don't go along with tradition.
you made up your own tradition:)
ever'body just gotta have sumpin special.


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2010
The most common method is to call obedience "legalism". (you must say it with a disdainful smirk for maximum effect)
is a sacred name cult which insists on the use of names (for salvation no less) no one has ever used or are not found in any manuscripts LEGALIST?

or do you have a made-up name too?


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
do not take the Name of the LORD Thy God in vain.
שָׁוְא [SIZE=+1]noun [masculine][/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]emptiness, vanity[/SIZE]; — ׳שׁ — [SIZE=+1]1[/SIZE] emptiness, nothingness, vanity:

By removing His Name you MAY be taking it in vain.

Yeremyah 12:14-17, "This is what Yahweh says against all My evil neighbors who touch the inheritance which I have caused My people Israyl to inherit: Behold, I will pluck them up from off their land, and I will pluck up the house of Yahdah from among them. And it will come to pass, after I have plucked them out, that I will return and have compassion on them, and bring them back; everyone to his aheritage and everyone to his land. And it will come to pass, if they will
diligently learn the ways of My people, to vow by My Name, saying; As surely as Yahweh lives--as they once taught My
people to vow by Baal; (Lord)--then they will be established in the midst of My people. But if they do not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, says Yahweh."

BAAL (DEITY) [Heb ba˓al (בַּעַל )]. Canaanite storm and fertility god. The name, which means “lord, ” is an epithet of the god Hadad (lit. “thunderer” ). Well-known from the OT, he is now extremely well-attested in the Ugaritic texts, in addition to being mentioned in other ancient texts.
Freedman, David Noel: The Anchor Bible Dictionary. New York : Doubleday, 1996, c1992, S. 1:546

BA´AL (bāʹal; Heb. ba˓al, “lord, possessor”).
1. A common name for god among the Phoenicians; also the name of their chief male god. See Gods, False.
Unger, Merrill Frederick ; Harrison, R. K. ; Vos, Howard Frederic ; Barber, Cyril J. ; Unger, Merrill Frederick: The New Unger's Bible Dictionary. Rev. and updated ed. Chicago : Moody Press, 1988

Baal (Heb. ba˓al) DEITY
The Canaanite storm- and fertility-god. As an epithet for various West Semitic deities, especially Hadad, the name means “lord,” designating a legal state of ownership or social superiority. With the obvious exception of Yahweh, Baal is the most significant deity in the OT.
Freedman, David Noel ; Myers, Allen C. ; Beck, Astrid B.: Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans, 2000

BAAL [BAY uhl] (lord, master) — the name of one or more false gods, a place, and two people in the Old Testament:
1. A fertility and nature god of the Canaanites and Phoenicians. Also see Gods, Pagan.
Youngblood, Ronald F. ; Bruce, F. F. ; Harrison, R. K. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Nashville : T. Nelson, 1995

Facts are facts you can talk about IDOLS and such, but that has noting to do with me. I stand on facts. If I m mistaken I am open to correction if it is TRUTH.


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
is a sacred name cult which insists on the use of names (for salvation no less) no one has ever used or are not found in any manuscripts LEGALIST?

or do you have a made-up name too?
I quoted this verse:

Acts 4:12, "Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other Name under heaven given among men by which we
must be saved."


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2013
I am hlf way through that article, and I have to quote this;

Unfortunately for it's supporters, this name can not be found anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures. What you will find in the Hebrew Scriptures is Yehoshua (H3091) which is written in the Hebrew as Yod-Hey-Vav-Shin-Ayin or Yod-Hey-Vav-Shin-Vav-Ayin, or the shortened form Yeshua (H3442-H3443) which is written in the Hebrew as Yod-Shin-Vav-Ayin. The main obstacles in trying to render His name as YAHshua instead of Yeshua, is created by the fact that there is no Hebrew letter "hey" in Yeshua, and also by the Masoretic vowel pointings or nikud. The tsere that is under the Yod in "Yeshua" in the Hebrew scriptures demonstrates the vocalization of the first syllable as "yay," and not "YAH."

I will finish it and there are some things I agree with but to base anything off Scriptures that have been ADDED to is faulty. THE MOASRITES ADDED VOWEL POINTS WITH CHANGED SOME WORDS.