neglect not the following variants of Janky:
Jankity (debatably an "er" form of Janky)
Bajankity (the is the "est" form of Jankity, without debate.)
sigh... back to that chewed up Suzuki... Hope to finish it today.
Got custody court again tomorrow. Please pray that the outcome is what my kids need, and that I am comfortable enough with it to start on wrapping up this divorce. 16 months is a long time to be pulling that same band-aid off. I'm tired of moving slow, but the truth is, if I think the kids need a different arrangement than what tomorrow's outcome is... I'll drag it out another 16 months if I have to. My life needs getting on with, but I'm talking about something that could really have a bigger effect on the rest of their lives.
On a selfish note, I'd love for her to GIVE ME MY LAST NAME BACK....