Yeah I know..I think at that point too in my life,I was starting to get a bad taste in my mouth from some of the things I was seeing in the chrisitan community around me,so I was a bit more sensitive. It's really strange how you view things when yer' younger. You tend to take things more personal. I have always been a bit over sensitive....I'm not sure why. Maybe insecurity? I try to give that over to God,because I know it's not of Him,and all it does is make me introspective,and when Jim starts looking out for Jim,then it always leads to failure & pain eventually. My pride gets it's ugly head rearin'. I am hopefully learning to catch myself when I start trying to fall back into my old thinking. It's hard sometimes,after being married to someone for 9 years & basically living a spiritual lie of who you know you are. LOL..sounds so stupid & if yer' a Star Wars person,maybe you'll find the humor in this,but in Attack of the Clones...Anakin confesses to Padme that after he found his Mom & she died in his arms,he killed all the sand people...the women,the children,their animals..and he was heartbroken inside that he let his anger take over that way....he said "I'm a Jedi,I know I'm better than this." Well substitue Jedi with "Child of God",and that's how I I was killing myself off little by little spiritually.,now that I've really geeked myself out...let's discuss..bacon!