God is not for Democrats or Republicans he is for all people! He would not be for a system that causes so much divide. God is not for the condemnation and judgment of others. Only God can make America great again. Every liberal dosn’t looooove abortion actually most I talk to who are Christians are sadden by it but most know that God sent his son the only spotless lamb so ALL sinners can be forgiven; that is you and me.
I’m not a Trump supporter...And before you think that the opposite of that is I am a Trump hater and a Hillary supporter. Neither of those ring true. I am a bible supporter. I pray for my leaders as God commands but God is the president of my life and He sent Jesus to show what a leader of the world should look like so I will choose to just follow HIM ahumble servant that came to serve and not to be served.
So as a fellow Christian I just want to warn you that the devil knocks on all doors...
I’m not a Trump supporter...And before you think that the opposite of that is I am a Trump hater and a Hillary supporter. Neither of those ring true. I am a bible supporter. I pray for my leaders as God commands but God is the president of my life and He sent Jesus to show what a leader of the world should look like so I will choose to just follow HIM ahumble servant that came to serve and not to be served.
So as a fellow Christian I just want to warn you that the devil knocks on all doors...
8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes. (I liken princes as akin to today's politicians myself. They fit the role quite well, it seems.)
That said, there is nothing that I see that modern liberals offer that is biblically based. Modern liberalism to me is a reflection of the satanic notions of secular humanism. Their concepts of multiple genders, same sex marriage (a biblical oxymoron actually IMHO), Pro-Death (aka abortion), evolutionary deep time which rejects Genesis (Christ didn't btw.), godlessness, socialism which is really nothing more than legalized theft, suppression of Christian expression such as the 10 commandments and prayer in school, heavy government regulation and intervention and much more- all non-biblical in basis.
Conservatism is closer to biblically based but that depends on what you mean by a conservative. Most are a mixed version of the term that water it down. Many support the global wars that are ultimately destined to bring this nation down economically as war has done since history has been recorded. However, Christian values mesh more with traditional conservative values which promote less government from man, belief in a Christian God and more personal freedom- a concept that fits biblical values more closely.
So, I do agree that the devil knocks on all doors. Some are answered more quickly and directly than others however.
The secular humanism that infects our society today reminds me of the Book of Judges. Things kept getting progressively worse as the society declined into a morass of the embrace of all values (including pagan ones) until it finally terminated with the rape and dismemberment of the concubine and then the decimation of the tribe of Benjamin ending with "every man did that which was right in his own eyes." which reminds me of today's secular humanist value system with no absolute moral values taught throughout our secular public school system while rejecting Christianity at every turn.
Trump to me is far from the anti-Christ, but certainly should not be embraced as the savior nor the one who can MAGA. Only Christ in his return can make this planet great again. Until then we are just going to have to do the best we can.
Trump's attempts to MAGA however, do buy us a little time for now. He has eliminated 30,000 pages of a 92,000 page Federal Register so far; gotten us out of sovereignty killing agreements like the "free trade" deals which bind us with the globalist UN; ended pacts with the devil such as the Iran agreement (Anyone who believes a person of the book can make a deal with Islam has no understanding of Islam btw.); is attempting to regenerate domestic manufacturing; make peace through diplomacy before engaging in more war etc.
Do I like everything Trump is doing? No, not all. For example, I think we should get out of the Middle East and these endless wars as quickly as possible not put nearly 3/4 of a Trillion into building up our military while keeping us engaged in the Middle East. Strength through peace should come by example and continuing to engage in the Middle East is not a good example IMHO.
He inherited a very dangerous level of nearly $20 Trillion national debt. He should be reducing it by reducing the size of government while building our manufacturing capacity, not emphasizing the build-up of our military, fostering the possibility of more war in the balance. The reality is that when nation's build up militarily, they somehow (Jeremiah 17:9) get themselves into military conflicts- a temptation we need less of- not more.
Be nice if he would be moving towards getting rid of the Federal Reserve altogether which is straight out of the satanic Communist Manifesto playbook. We should generate a free market money economy in its place. I don't expect that to happen but it would be helpful to all of us. The Fed is why we have the level of debt (over $65,000 per man, woman and child) we have today.
Trump is a sinner like the rest of us. To expect perfection is silly. At least with Trump, you know what you are getting. Plain spoken, he doesn't seem to be much of a secret keeper probably because he is not a skilled politician (prince) who built his career on verbal deception as many of today's politicians have done.
Obama put on a good show while he dismantled as much of the remains of any freedom he inherited with his decidedly "progressive" (a euphemism for Marxist) agenda- building up the state and shackling the people under the coercive force of government. Bowing to Saudi Kings and making nice with Vladimir through a hands off policy, he went far in shackling this nation with regulation, more war (the Peace President?) and debt while trading away our sovereignty to the satanic "peace keeping" UN whenever he could, with more free trade deals and treaties.
Additionally, there was much deception going on behind the scenes which is now arising as the phony Russian collusion hoax unfolds. Already, 25 members of the FBI have either been fired, demoted or quit as the facts, which would never have surfaced under a Hillary Presidency continue to be uncovered. Unless the left manages to leverage control back of Congress, more will likely follow.
Yes, the devil does knock at all doors. Some however, are answered are responded to more readily. Others, less directly.
Judge a tree by its fruit as stated in Matthew for: "every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit;" Mat 7:17
What good have "progressive" ideas produced but the suppression of Christian morality and expression? At least Trump is endorsing Christian ideals something Obama hardly paid lip service to. He was more interested in promoting the "Peace of Islam" an open lie btw.
As for his past. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Wasn't the greatest King of Israel an adulterer and murderer? Did God reject him?
We all have our skeletons. God gets that. We don't for the most part.
Continuing to reject them is the battle we fight as Christians to be born again in Spirit. Seems to me that Trump is at least attempting to reject them unlike Obama who was more of a closet Muslim and Marxist than a Christian.
That's my take on this "Trump as the Anti-Christ" nonsense which is nothing more than another distraction fostered by leftists and pretty much meaningless in today's corrupt cesspool we are led to believe is "freedom".
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