They were listed as weaknesses, to show the infallibility of all men, which Scriptures confirms in multiple ways, necessarily including Biblical heroes who are still known for their sins as well as triumphs. I did not say eating locusts was a sin. The word weakness was at the beginning and end of the list, with Scripture provided using the very same word... not sin. Responding to what I actually post works better for me. John living in the desert and subsisting on locusts and honey... people no doubt thought he was quite an oddball. Being an outsider is seen as a weakness by some, just as not being attractive is seen as a disadvantage. Those people are forever known in this present world for their weaknesses, oddities, disadvantages, and yes, their recorded SINS too, as well as their triumphs. You may have missed the context, which was about the fallibility of humans. Paul identified as a sinner in the present tense, and not just as a sinner, but as the worst of sinners. Chocolate is not mentioned in the Bible as far as I know
locust was listed as a weakness? I do not know what commentary or allegory used to find that application. No, I did not miss the context, Paul did not identify as a sinner but a sinner saved by Grace.
We need to look at is the context. Let’s see what Paul says in verses 12-14. I put the key words in bold type. 1tim 2
“ 12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, putting me into service, 13 even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. Yet I was shown mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief; 14 and the grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus.” (NASB)
Was Paul saying, “I’m
still a blasphemer, persecutor and “violent aggressor?” No, that would inconsistent with all his other teachings. Paul was clearly reviewing his
former life and contrasting that with his current ministry as an apostle, proving just how deep God’s mercy and grace will go to save someone acting so heinously as himself.
Paul is basically saying if God can save me, His poster child for amazing grace,
He can save anybody!
He is not saying his identity with past sins, his identity is in Christ now