In my own studying of this, I do
not see the word "H1129 - build / rebuild [
banah]" (which is used in Dan9:25) used anywhere
after Ezra 4:4, its 10th occurrence in Ezra (each of those 10 having to do with "building
a HOUSE" or "
TEMPLE" [i.e. the "house of the Lord"]), so that (for one thing) rules out the 7:11 decree, for
1) there's no "connection" with the wording [H1129], there;
2) nor is there a "connection" with the other word used in Dan9:25 "H7725 - restore [
shuv / shub]," which is used
only 4x in Ezra (2:1, 6:21, 9:14, 10:14),
none of them having to do with "
restore H7725 [and build/rebuild]
3) the subject of the Ez7:11 decree had to do (
not with "restore and build/rebuild
JERUSALEM," the specific wording in Dan9:25, but) rather for Ezra to be authorized to take priests / Levites for religious services, and also
to beautify the "house / Temple"...
nothing about "restore and build / rebuild
JERUSALEM," see...
ONLY the
4th decree "fits" that description (the one in 445bc--in Nehemiah 2... BTW,
in Nehemiah, the "H1129 - build / rebuild [
bamah]" word is used
22x [recall it's used
2x in Dan9:25 "
build / rebuild [H1129] Jerusalem" AND "
the wall shall be built [H1129]"], and the "H7725 restore / again [
shuv / shub]" word [also
2x in Dan9:25] is found
This is where the issue comes in regarding the "70
YEARS" prophecy (which years were coming to/nearing a close) when Daniel prays (in the first part of this chapter), and why it is even being addressed near the "70
WEEKS" prophecy (which is further down in the context, as you know). Bearing in mind that this "time-prophecy" is especially concerning "THY [Daniel's] people, and [upon] THY [Daniel's] holy city" (v.24)... so the "time-prophecy" is something our Lord wants *especially* Israel to "UNDERSTAND" (and they *will*--the "WISE"
of them "WILL UNDERSTAND" in that future, specific, limited time-period, the final "
ONE WEEK [7 yrs]"... especially in its latter half, per 12:
1,6-7)... the first thing *they* will understand uniquely, is that the "70 YEARS" (that were coming to a close, in Dan9), in actuality,
due to "what king was reigning when" at the time, factored out to "69 yrs, 1 day" (or something similar to this), in "real" years.
This is also why the "time, times, half a time" in 7:25 and in 12:6-7 (tho referring to the SAME 2nd half of trib yrs) are written distinctly, and to where Israel (IN those future years) will come to "UNDERSTAND" in a way that is unique to them (IOW, *they* will lead the way, in "understanding," at/during a time of "great deception"--it's not just any random" 3.5 yrs, see... and they will "know")
That's all I want to get into in this post, as it is already too long... but I agree with the others who've said that the "69 Weeks [TOTAL]" meant that those "483 years" really only factored to about [something like] "476 of OUR *years* / calendar-years" (landing it right on Palm Sunday in 32ad, the day Jesus
SAID the Lk19:41-44 words
[note those especially!], and
DID the Zech9:9 thing, BOTH having to do with
"Jerusalem / the city"--relating particularly to the wording itself in Dan9:24's prophecy
